Bahrain weather map
The weather in most locations in Bahrain today is expected to be warmer than yesterday, with average temperatures ranging from 27.33°C to 28.34°C.
Frequently asked questions
What is the weather right now in Bahrain?
As of now, the weather in major cities in Bahrain varies:
- In Southern, the temperature is around 28.34°C (83.01°F), with Clear Sky.
- In Muharraq, the current temperature is about 27.33°C (81.19°F) Clear Sky.
What type of climate zone is Bahrain?
Most cities in Bahrain are classified within the Subtropical desert climate zone (Köppen: BWh).
Where is the hottest place in Bahrain today?
Southern is the hottest place in Bahrain right now with the daily high temperature reaching 28.34°C or 83.01°F, followed by Northern (28.1°C/82.58°F), Capital (27.57°C/81.63°F) and Muharraq (27.33°C/81.19°F).
What is the coldest place in Bahrain right now?
Muharraq is the coldest place in Bahrain right now, with average temperatures hovering around 27.33 °C or 81.19 °F.